Friday, August 27, 2010

Kokkari by night

Another one new painting! 24x30cm canvas, acrylics. Not available.

Second new small painting in the same day (yesterday). This became one of my favorites. The moon and bright city lights reflected on the calm, dark sea... The city of Kokkari becomes a sweet and lovely witch when the night falls!

The way to Big Seitani

New painting! 24x30cm canvas, acrylics. Not available.

Small Seitani and Big Seitani are two beautiful bays at northern Samos. The only way to reach them is to walk on a small trace for about 2 hours. The reward is a beautiful beach with crystal water. It could be a perfect paradise, if there weren't there some ugly houses, built by a few "smart" locals.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The quick sketching.

Acrylics on 30x40cm canvas. Not available.

This lady painted a child on a dolphin in few seconds: This was the idea for this painting. Not so original idea for the surrealists...

The stolen painting

100x75 cm canvas on wooden frame. Vinyl colors (cheap colors for wall painting). Not available (stolen)

One of my few abstract works. It was a gift to one respected relative woman, to decorate a gymnasium. Unfortunately, the painting grabbed by a stealer. So nothing is missing from the gamut: Some paintings are sold, some are not sold, some other have been destroyed by me, other burned by accidental fire, and this one is stolen! Is there anything else not mentioned?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Retired Paintings

The following two paintings were made to decorate a coffee-bar. This summer the bar was upgraded to a more attractive and richer shop, with a new name. So the old paintings gone!
The first one: 50x70 cm framed canvas, acrylics. Not available
The second one: Acrylics on 100x80cm flexible plastic material. Not available.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week of murals 4

New record! This is the fourth mural of the week! Painted today, at the balcony where we enjoy our breakfast, me and my wife Niki. Size 160x100cm, acrylics. Took 2,5 hours to finish. It's beautiful!

Week of murals 3

Third mural of the week. Saturday. Size on wall 200x110cm. Acrylics. Variation of a recent masterpiece. 5 hours of work.

Week of murals 2

We decided to make a 2 artist cooperation. I, the painter, to paint the background: The night city, the sky and the lightning. The other artist, the muralist, to create the word "My Place".
This post will be edited when the mural will be completed by the graffiti artist.

Edited at 13-09-2010: The graffiti artist didn't finish the mural! I finished it by myself. Here is the result:

Later, in a 13-09-2010 post you can see more details.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week of murals

This week was not ordinary. It was the week of murals. First time of my life I made three murals in a week! The first mural was made in my bedroom, to fill the last white and empty wall:
I gave it a title: "LA LUNA E LA RAGAZZA" which means "The moon and the girl" in Italian. Why Italian? Most Italian romantic songs include "La Luna". It was natural to use Italian. This painting was made using acrylics on a wall about 200x300 cm. The girl is my wife when she was a child. I have told before that Niki don't wants to grow up. This mural is my offer to feel as a child forever. I have some improvements to do, so it's not finished yet. The moon is finished, so here is its face:
The second mural was made yesterday and it is a background for a graffiti. in a new shop. Its size is about 400x280cm. I will post it when I take photos after finishing. 

The today's mural (the third) is 200x110cm and took 5 hours to finish it. I have to take a photo tomorrow to post it here. No mini size paintings this week! 
To be continued...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dull seascape

Framed canvas 40x50cm. Acrylics. Not available.

I made my last painting exhibition about five years ago. This painting was the easiest to make. Simple theme, almost without colors. It took me about 15 minutes to finish it. Most visitors enjoyed it more than other, difficult for me to make paintings. Sometimes complexity is overvalued. This simple painting is the proof.

Getting pretty...

Acrylics on canvas frame 40x55cm - Not available.

I have not included most of the upper head (nor the brain) of this lady. I need taller surfaces. 
I'm sorry for the sarcasm... 

Sometimes I can't recognize myself. Sometimes all my thoughts turn to gray. My paintings turn to mud. The life seems so sad and unhappy... Anyway, I take it as illness, a few days fever... But some other times I think that maybe this fever is not so bad as it seems... Maybe it came for me, to tell me that bad times are a respectable part of my life, an equal part to joy, the black and the white pieces of the yin-yang circle of my life. These days the black part of me is stronger. I think that I have to let it free for a while...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The movie

Acrylics on paper 25x30 cm. 1997. Availability: Not yet.

This is a group of actors just before a take of cinematic scene. Very fast work without corrections using thin colors (watercolor technique) without white. I love this silly drawing and I don't know the reason. From the day I made it, is over my fireplace and I can't replace it. Completely different people are joined for one purpose: Maybe this is the key to understand my preference. I use to work alone... Is there any psychiatrist around?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

View from my window

Acrylics. Canvas on paperboard 30x40cm. Not available.

This was the view outside of my window 10 years ago. Today the look is completely different. No tree, no hen-coop (the small building at the center) no houses, no forest. Instead all of them there are nice lodgings, but not so lovely to paint them. The curse in our life is this: People and things important for us, just pass... But we still have the skill to recover: Just walking. And when memories bring tears to our eyes, we keep looking forward and keep walking (like the commercial). Constantly walking and we don't look back (like the 80's song).

The current owner of this painting is a neighbor. Naturally.


Acrylics on canvas paperboard 30x40cm. Availability unknown.

Another one old painting about basic instinct. Everything about primitive passion is always seductive to everyone. The opposite is simply a disease according to how mother nature works. Is there any missing color? Red maybe?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

30 years before

I started painting about 35 years ago, when I was 17. I found two photos of these (almost forgotten) happy years of youth. The first photo was taken at 1981. I was serving in the navy. Here, on my old's house roof I was proud for my brand new seascape.
The second one was taken at 1985 (4 years later). The photo was taken from a reporter (during my summer painting exhibition) to be published by the Greek weekly "Domino".
Today I'm not so handsome but I paint better than 30 years before. It's fair!

Monday, August 2, 2010

The white land

Acrylics on 30x40cm canvas on paperboard. 10 years ago. I'm not sure of availability. Inspired from a stamp-size reference photo on a magazine.

Today I didn't paint. I dedicated my afternoon to improve the look of this blog. I hope you like the result. Today the smell of color replaced by the smell of ...wood!

I still post my older work. I haven't forget my earlier promise to post (later) my present work here!