Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The last spaggetti

Canvas, 40x30cm, acrylic paints. Made in 1990. (Not available)

Family session is continuing. This baby is my lovely son Kostas. Today he doesn't seem so fragile and small. He became a nice looking young man. He likes to compose music and studies music technology. He is more patient than me when I paint. I wished him to make his dreams true.  ( Edit, Feb-2022 ) :  And now he did !

Saturday, September 10, 2011

John and Popi

Canvas 50x40 cm, vinyl colors. Not available.

A beautiful pair, about 25 years ago. They were just married. On the left the handsome man is John. On the right the forever beautiful Popi, my sister. Her shining soul is pure, full of love for everyone. John deserves to Popi. They are so different but they match like hand and glove. I'm happy for them and for their two wonderful grown children. I love to be together with my priceless family.

After the fire

Canvas 60x50 cm, acrylics, 2001, Not available.

Sometimes our unique and beautiful soul feels sad and hopeless, in the heart of a burnt forest. We have two parts. The emotion is the first one, which guide us to be angry, happy, sad, crazy, or even dead... The other part is logic. When the days of sadness are over, logic is our tracer. Searches and finds the way out and finally the exit of the burnt forest.

Rarely I use black "color". 
Black is not a color. Black is the totally absence of color and color equals to Life. 
In this painting there is plenty of BLACK. 

Amy Winehouse went "Back to Black" some days ago. Sometimes some of us do not find the way out of a burnt forest. It's not bad to feel sad, lonely, useless etc. It's logical to be so. You can cry for weeks. But when your tears get dry you ought to get up. It's time to find the exit. 
Our soul  made to be happy and deserves to feel so.

- (Edit, 2022) - This painting belong to a family with victim on an earthquake in Samos... Two kids were walking through a narrow road... The quake very quick and powerful dropped whole building over these lovely kids... These angels now continue their beautiful relation in Heaven. They forced us to drop a whole rain from our eyes, in the last day of their existence on this cruel and unfair Earth. 😢