Saturday, July 31, 2010

Eve and snake

Acrylics on 50x70 cm canvas. Not available.

If someone likes drinking or playing pool or enjoy classic rock songs in a remote and quite place of our town, maybe has already seen this piece. It decorates a shop in our town Karlovassi for the last seven years.

I like to paint such themes. Eve is one of my favorites. Fantasy and magic has to be part of our misery life. Painting is the magical piece of my wonderful life's puzzle.

The little church by the sea

Acrylics on 30x40cm marine plywood. Not sure for availability.

One more classic Greek landscape here. Fresh and simple! Unusual, relaxing and very easy theme.

Two Ladies 2 (Revisited)

Acrylics on canvas on a 30x40 cm paperboard. Not available.

A very good friend of mine (the third lady) liked the first "Two Ladies". I didn't own the original any more, so I made a  not so similar reproduction. I was unable to ignore my friend's wish! 

Unfortunately the last two weeks were tough for me. I had very little time to paint because I was observing a two week e-learning course for my job. More, my father visited the hospital again for his anemia. I hacked to steal some hours for starting a new mural on the last white wall of  my bedroom. You can enjoy the final results in the next few days...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Harbour with boats

Acrylics on marine plywood 130x100cm. Not available.
One more Greek landscape. This one belongs to the very good friend of me, Manolis. He lives in a small town besides the sea called "Agios Konstantinos". He is a tough (and maybe the only one) opponent for me when we play billiards some winter nights. He's an amateur painter too.

Old and new

Acrylics on marine plywood 150x130cm. Not available.
This was made to decorate a restaurant at our harbor 20 years ago. Unfortunately a fire destroyed the shop, along with the paintings. I didn't care at all about the paintings...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Three paintings for my parents

All these 3 early paintings were painted on 0,7x25x30cm marine plywood with acrylic colors.  Not available.
They seem as commercials of past Greece. Landscapes like to my parents, so I found three beautiful postal cards and painted their themes. Of course (as all the reproductions) they offered another one useful lesson. They are small, easy to make and nice, but not enough. Just a little beautiful port to rest for a while. The big journey goes on...
My father made the frames and hanged them into the living room. My mother every time asks for more! I should demand money for these!

Monday, July 12, 2010

A lady's back

40x50 cm canvas on paperboard, self made colors with minerals in acrylic base. Not available.

This is a very early painting, about 25 years ago. For many years it had a royal place in our living room. Now belongs to a beloved relative family.

Last days I was a little busy and painting became the victim. Yesterday I started again and I was very pleased with the results! 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Girl riding a white horse

Vinyl colors on hardboard about 60x40cm. Not available.
I think this was the first time I painted a horse. Many people liked this piece. I also like to paint horses.

I didn't post for a while. My aged father was visited some days the hospital because he needed some blood, so I was visiting my father as a good son. The daily painting was suspended till today. These days I love painting people.